WordPress Development

As I build WordPress websites for my clients, I share what I learn here as tutorials.

Dynamic Dropdown Fields in ACF

Advanced Custom Fields is a powerful tool for building metaboxes, theme settings, custom blocks, and more. The acf/load_field filter lets you customize a field before it loads. I often use…

Shortcode Finder

I’m cleaning up a website with a lot of old shortcodes. Before removing a shortcode, we wanted to be sure all pages that used it were updated. So I wrote a shortcode to help ðŸ™‚…

Block Styles in Gutenberg

Every block type in the WordPress editor can have multiple style options. I’ll show you how to add and remove style options from blocks.

Full and wide alignment in Gutenberg

The new WordPress block editor includes two new alignment options. To take advantage of the new alignment options, your theme must first support them. Include add_theme_support( ‘align-wide’ ) in your…