Gutenberg Starter Themes

WordPress starter themes provide a solid foundation for building your own custom WordPress themes. In this article, I share my two Gutenberg-optimized starter themes.

What is a starter theme

A starter theme is a lean WordPress theme with minimal styles and functionality. It often contains simple functionality you use across most projects. It gives you a common starting point for your theme development.

Gutenberg introduces many new features and styling requirements, which I’ve documented in my Developer’s Guide to Gutenberg. These starter themes incorporate all the recommendations listed in those articles.

All of my starter themes use hooks and filters for customization, on which I’m writing a tutorial right now. Be sure to subscribe to email updates so you’re notified when that article is published.

Hybrid Starter Theme

BE Starter is a free starter theme to help you build hybrid WordPress themes. hybrid WordPress theme uses theme.json to define styles and customize the block editor while also using traditional PHP template files.

BE Starter is my most up-to-date starter theme. Prior to theme.json, I used EA Starter as my starter theme, or EA Genesis Child as a Genesis child theme.

Bill Erickson

Bill Erickson is the co-founder and lead developer at CultivateWP, a WordPress agency focusing on high performance sites for web publishers.

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  1. Donald Dev says

    Is any method to disable flickering or flashing
    Using critical is false.
    But still flickering.

    • Bill Erickson says

      There shouldn’t be any flickering or flashing if you have disabled critical CSS. Check the HTML of the page and make sure all of the important CSS and JS is loading in the document head.

  2. Sangeeta Bijlani says

    Hello Bill,

    I want to set priority in publish date please done this snippet.

    echo 'Published on ' . get_the_date( 'F j, Y' ) . '';