ACF is a powerful and easy-to-use tool for extending WordPress' content editing options. You can build metaboxes, site options, Gutenberg blocks, and more.
A hybrid WordPress theme uses theme.json to define styles and customize the block editor while also using traditional PHP template files. Hybrid themes leverage the block editor for content but…
ACF 6.0 includes a major improvement to the way blocks are built. It now supports using block.json, which aligns with WordPress core’s preferred method for block registration. Why is this…
Advanced Custom Fields is a powerful tool for building metaboxes, theme settings, custom blocks, and more. The acf/load_field filter lets you customize a field before it loads. I often use…
ACF lets you build metaboxes, Gutenberg blocks, and more with their easy-to-use interface. These custom fields are stored in the database and then rendered in the WordPress backend for you…