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Landing Pages with ACF Flexible Content

A guide to easy-to-edit landing pages with Advanced Custom Fields. Create your own custom page builder for clients in WordPress.

Dynamic Dropdown Fields in ACF

Advanced Custom Fields is a powerful tool for building metaboxes, theme settings, custom blocks, and more. The acf/load_field filter lets you customize a field before it loads. I often use…

Only title and image in Grid Loop

The Genesis Grid plugin turns Genesis archive pages into a grid. By default it doesn’t change what content appears there – that is determined by your settings in Genesis >…

Gutenberg Starter Themes

I share my Genesis starter theme, and a non-Genesis starter theme.

Color Palette Setup in Gutenberg

For more information, see Gutenberg color palette and button styling. Gutenberg allows you to define a custom color palette for your theme. There are two aspects to setting it up:…

Full and wide alignment in Gutenberg

The new WordPress block editor includes two new alignment options. To take advantage of the new alignment options, your theme must first support them. Include add_theme_support( ‘align-wide’ ) in your…

Recommended Plugins with Gutenberg Blocks

The new block editor in WordPress includes many core blocks, and you can add additional blocks through plugins. These are the tools I recommend using.