
Introduction to CSS Grid

CSS Grid is a new layout system in CSS. It allows you to take an element on the page and turn it into a “grid” of columns and rows. It’s not a replacement for Flexbox or floats, but an additional tool that works great in certain contexts.

Determining feature support for your specific website

“Can I use” is a wonderful service that shows browser support for specific CSS features globally and in specific countries. But you can also import your Google Analytics data to see the browser support for users of your website.

10 ways to speed up your WordPress website

A slow website is painful to use, less engaging to visitors, and hurts your search engine rankings. I’ll walk you through the tools I use to identify performance problems, and provide ten tips to improve your website’s performance

My Development Workflow

I recently joined Carrie Dils for an Office Hours discussion about workflows. Here’s a quick summary of what we discussed. Listen to the Podcast We discuss all things code, from…