
Reusing Template Files

I walk you through building your own template hierarchy, to specify which template to use under certain conditions.

Custom Metaboxes 0.7

Use this code library to easily create metaboxes with all different types of fields. I review some of the newest features to CMB 0.7

Gallery Metabox

I’ve built a simple plugin that shows all the attached images when editing a post.

Core Functionality Plugin

A WordPress theme should only contain that which relates to the look and feel of the site. Any core functionality belongs in a plugin.

Adding fields to the Media Gallery

Here’s two ways to customize the media uploader: adding a “Photo credit” section, and adding an “Include in Rotator” selection.

Building a Genesis Child Theme

A question I hear all the time is “how do I build a child theme?” This is a tutorial that walks through my process, using an actual client site as an example.

Image Override Plugin

When you upload an image, WordPress will automatically scale and crop it to many different sizes. If you’re not happy with the auto-crops, use this plugin to upload an alternative image.