April 15, 2010
WordPress Updates as Email or RSS Reminder
WordPress does a great job of telling you to upgrade when you log in. But if you don’t log in often, you might miss an important security update. This will notify you via email or RSS.
April 15, 2010
WordPress does a great job of telling you to upgrade when you log in. But if you don’t log in often, you might miss an important security update. This will notify you via email or RSS.
April 12, 2010
Here’s how to create a list of posts that doesn’t interfere with The Loop (what generates the content on your WordPress site).
April 3, 2010
If you change a page’s name and URL, you’ll want to use this technique to make sure visitors to the old URL are redirected to the new one.
March 9, 2010
Here’s an overview on how to build an extremely custom Author Page for Thesis.
March 5, 2010
Use the Google Maps API to dynamically create maps in your blog posts or pages.
March 2, 2010
If you’ve ever tried moving a large blog or uploading large images, you’ve run into the Upload Filesize Limit. This walks you through increasing it for BlueHost (and can be applied to other hosts).
February 25, 2010
Here’s a quick tip on how to add Related Posts (or anything else) at the end of a post but before the comments link.
February 25, 2010
I’ll show you how to display an author’s gravatar next to post titles, and customize the default Gravatar for commenters who don’t have one already.