December 2, 2009
Print Stylesheets
By adding a print stylesheet to your website, you ensure your site will look great on both the web and paper.
December 2, 2009
By adding a print stylesheet to your website, you ensure your site will look great on both the web and paper.
November 26, 2009
I’ll walk you through the steps of adding a Featured Content slideshow to the top of your homepage (using the Featured Content Gallery plugin), and modifying the plugin to work with the default Thesis custom fields.
November 25, 2009
You’ll often want to write styles specifically for the home page, category pages, or some other type of page not covered by the default thesis classes. This quick tip will help you add classes to the body tag.
November 16, 2009
For Christmas, I’ll be redesigning a website for free! I’m calling it “WordPress for Clunkers”
October 14, 2009
There are many plugins that let you pull in posts from an RSS feed. But if you want to show them WITHOUT filling up your database, this is your solution.
August 26, 2009
This is a very elegant solution to the problem of having multiple content areas on a single page. It uses headlines to identify the different blocks of content.
August 2, 2009
Additional sidebars allow you to easily manage content that doesn’t fit in a post or page. I’ll outline how to implement them using Thesis, but you could also do this with any Wordpress theme.
July 26, 2009
As I’ve been working with Thesis a lot lately, I thought it would be a good idea to start posting some tips for customizing it. This post covers customizing post image/thumbnails and displaying category posts on pages.