Integrating Google Maps with WordPress

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Update (May 31, 2011)

It’s been a long time since this post was written and I can no longer confirm it will work. I’ve started using the Google Static Maps API which is a lot easier, and I recommend you try it out before attempting the below solution.

Let’s say you have a real estate website, and for each real estate listing you want to include a google map. You could go to Google Maps each time, create the map, copy the embed code, and either leave your editor in HTML view or use a plugin to insert it (if you switch to Visual mode, you’ll lose your code).

A better solution is to use the API to make maps dynamically from a custom field. So now when you’re creating a post, just type the address you want in the “Address” custom field and google will make the map for you. You can give an exact address or even just a city.

This tutorial is only really worth it if you are creating multiple maps. If you just want a map for your contact page, I’d recommend creating a custom page template that includes the map.

So the steps we’ll take are:

  1. Get Google Maps API Key
  2. Create an Options Page that holds the API key
  3. Create a function that generates a map from a custom field and the API key
  4. Add your API Key to the Options Page, and the custom field to a post

Get the Google Maps API Key

You’ll need an API key for each website you use this one. Here’s where you Sign Up for Google Maps API Key.

Create an Options Page that holds the API Key

I’m not going into too much detail on this step as I wrote a post already on building Custom Options Pages. Here’s the code we used on a recent project:

[php]add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘google_maps_api_menu’);
function google_maps_api_menu() {
add_options_page(‘Google Maps API Key’, ‘Google Maps API Key’, ‘manage_options’, ‘your-unique-identifier’, ‘gma_plugin_options’);
function gma_plugin_options() {
<h2>Google Maps API</h2>
if (array_key_exists(‘maps_key’,$_POST)) {
<form method="post" action="<?php echo str_replace( ‘%7E’, ‘~’, $_SERVER[‘REQUEST_URI’]); ?>">
<tr valign="top">
<th scope="row">Google Maps API Key</th>
<td><input type="text" name="maps_key" value="<?php echo get_option(‘maps_key’); ?>" /></td>
<input type="hidden" name="page_options" value="maps_key" />
<input type="submit" value="<?php _e(‘Save Changes’) ?>" />

Create a function that generates a map from a custom field and the API key

Here’s the assumptions I made in the code, which you can change:

  • It will only show up on the single post page (not the home page)
  • It will be 500×500 pixels, and at the top of the post

And here’s the code:

[php]function make_map() {
global $post;
$address = get_post_meta($post->ID,’address’,true);
$google_api_key = get_option(‘maps_key’);
if($address): ?>
<script src=";v=2&amp;sensor=false&amp;key=<?php echo $google_api_key; ?>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="map_canvas" style="width: 500px; height: 500px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showAddress(address) {
var map = new GMap2(document.getElementById("map_canvas"));
var geocoder = new GClientGeocoder();
function(point) {
if (!point) {
alert(address + " not found");
} else {
map.setCenter(point, 13);
var marker = new GMarker(point);
showAddress("<?php echo $address; ?>");
<?php endif;

This is what the code is saying: If this is an individual post page, set $address = the custom field “Address” in this post, and $google_api_key = the value in the Options page. If the address isn’t blank, then make the map. Stick this map before the post.

Last Step

All that’s left now is for you to add your API key to the options page ( Settings > Google Maps API Key) and then add an address to a post. When writing a post, go down to the Custom Fields area and click “Add New” (you’ll only have to do this the first time). Type “address” as the custom field name, and the address you’d like to use as the custom field value. Publish the post, and view your map. In the future, you’ll just need to select “Address” from the custom field dropdown menu.

Issues you might have

The Google Maps API does a good job of telling you what’s wrong, instead of just not working. If there’s an error, usually a window will pop up saying what the problem is.

The two error messages I’ve seen are:

  • This API Key isn’t set up for this domain. This happens if you enter the wrong one, or use one that’s meant for another website. Make sure it’s entered correctly, or register a new one.
  • Google doesn’t recognize this address. If you were on Google Maps, it would have recommended a new search term, but because you’re on your own site it can’t. I got this when I didn’t put any commas in the address. ” 123 Main Street Houston TX” might get an error, but “123 Main Street, Houston, TX, 77077”  shouldn’t.

Now, show me some sites that you’ve used this on!
I’d love to see that people are actually using my tutorials, so if you use this, please leave a comment and link to it.

Bill Erickson

Bill Erickson is the co-founder and lead developer at CultivateWP, a WordPress agency focusing on high performance sites for web publishers.

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  1. Aaron says

    Nice! I’m working on integrating this in to a site I’m working on. Works well! =D Tips on what to change to get the Zoom option on the map it outputs?

  2. Donna Vitan says

    Thanks for sharing this. It really helped me put together the a Google Map on a single page view.

    However, is there a way to show a larger map (World Map) which shows all the addresses mentioned mentioned in existing posts?

    Please advise.

    • Bill Erickson says

      That’s beyond the scope of this tutorial. I’ve hired Chris Bratlien to build this feature before (we created a custom post type called Locations and a map that showed them all) so you might consider hiring him to build this:

  3. Donna Vitan says

    Is there also, a way to include a default address in case an address was not added on the post itself?

    • Bill Erickson says

      After this: $address = get_post_meta($post->ID,’address’,true);

      Add this: if (!$address) $address = ‘123 Main St, Austin, TX’;

      It basically says, if address field is empty, use this text.

      • Donna Vitan says

        Thanks, Bill. This one helped for sure. I haven’t gotten around to the multiple location markers yet though but this tutorial has been loads of help.

  4. Gabe says

    Wow, what a simple and great tutorial! took me all of ten minutes to get maps integrated into my clients site. Thanks!

  5. niraj says

    Hi Sir,

    I have a travel website and want to make runtime google map for each post/page for each city on my site.
    I studied the code provided by you but cant get how to implement this.
    Can you please guide me.


    • Bill Erickson says

      Yes, just take the contents of the make_map() function and place it directly in your theme wherever you want it appearing.