BIL is an open, self-organizing, and emergent science and technology conference. The best way to describe it is that BIL is to TED what BarCamp is to FooCamp.
Find out more on the website:
How did it get started? Cody and I wanted to go out to Monterey while TED was going on to hopefully interact with some of the attendees afterwards, and just spend some time catching up with all of our friends in California. I invited a few of my friends who might want to come, and Todd Huffman had the idea to hold our own conference while TED was going on so that we would have “something to do.”
While we haven’t officially announced it until now, a lot of people have expressed interest in the conference. I’m not going to name any names (I’ll wait until they add their names to the wiki), but believe me, it will be worth the trip out to Monterey.
The conference is going to be March 1-4. Cody and I will be in California a few days before and after the conference, so if you’re interested in meeting up send me an email.
Hope to see you there.