WordPress Development

As I build WordPress websites for my clients, I share what I learn here as tutorials.

Clickable Logo in Header in Thesis

This is a simple but common mistake. When you replace the site title in the header with a custom logo, use this code to make it click through to your homepage.

Filter Categories from Homepage

Only want the posts from certain categories to show up on your homepage? This quick tip will show you how.

Custom Options Page

Do you wish you could add a few more options to the Thesis Options menu? I’ll show you how to create an additional options page and how to pull the data from it into your Thesis website.

Import and Export Your Design in Thesis

One of Thesis’ greatest features is the extensive design options. But these changes aren’t stored in the theme files. This tutorial will help if you’re planning to move your site or would like to backup your design changes.

Print Stylesheets

By adding a print stylesheet to your website, you ensure your site will look great on both the web and paper.

Featured Content Rotator in Thesis

I’ll walk you through the steps of adding a Featured Content slideshow to the top of your homepage (using the Featured Content Gallery plugin), and modifying the plugin to work with the default Thesis custom fields.