
Redirect Pages in Thesis

If you change a page’s name and URL, you’ll want to use this technique to make sure visitors to the old URL are redirected to the new one.

Clickable Logo in Header in Thesis

This is a simple but common mistake. When you replace the site title in the header with a custom logo, use this code to make it click through to your homepage.

Print Stylesheets

By adding a print stylesheet to your website, you ensure your site will look great on both the web and paper.

Additional Sidebars

Additional sidebars allow you to easily manage content that doesn’t fit in a post or page. I’ll outline how to implement them using Thesis, but you could also do this with any Wordpress theme.

Custom Images and Category Pages in Thesis

As I’ve been working with Thesis a lot lately, I thought it would be a good idea to start posting some tips for customizing it. This post covers customizing post image/thumbnails and displaying category posts on pages.