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Genesis Quick Tips

There’s a lot of small code snippets I use often but don’t warrant their own post. This is where I’ll collect them.

Export WordPress Content to Excel

Here’s a way to get your WordPress content into a table that can easily be moved to a spreadsheet. This is best if you’re using WordPress to collect data and want to analyze it in Excel. I use it for keeping track of incoming client inquiries.

WordPress Beyond Blogging – Presentation

My presentation from WordCamp Houston. I outline 5 useful tools for extending WordPress beyond blogs: Frameworks, Custom Post Types, Custom Taxonomies, Additional Sidebars, and Multiple Content Areas.

Custom WordPress Queries

Here’s how to create a list of posts that doesn’t interfere with The Loop (what generates the content on your WordPress site).

Adding External Content (via RSS) to WordPress

There are many plugins that let you pull in posts from an RSS feed. But if you want to show them WITHOUT filling up your database, this is your solution.