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WordPress Development

As I build WordPress websites for my clients, I share what I learn here as tutorials.

Overriding Options and Meta

One of my favorite “under-the-hood” features of WordPress and Genesis is the ability to override almost any kind of option/meta: site options, post meta, user meta, term meta….

Pagination in a Custom Query

The Genesis pagination uses standard WordPress pagination functions, like previous_post_link() and next_post_link(). These functions only apply to the main WordPress query, not any custom ones. So if you created a page template…

WP_Query Arguments

Here’s two tutorials on using these query arguments: Customizing the WordPress Query – using pre_get_posts for the main query Custom WordPress Queries – For generating custom queries Source:

Update URLs in Database

WordPress uses serialized arrays to store some data (like widgets), so you can’t simply do a find/replace. If you did and the URLs were of a different length, the serialized…

Admin Pages with Genesis

One of the best new features of Genesis 1.8 (and there are many) is a tool for making admin pages. These are needed if you’re building a plugin or a…

Manually Curated Related Posts

Here’s a way to specify which posts show up as “related” to the current post, as an alternative to the many plugins that automatically generate your list of related posts.

Using Column Classes

Here’s how I make multiple columns of content.