Rename category taxonomy

 * Rename Category to Theme
function be_rename_category_theme() {

	$singular_name = 'Theme';
	$plural_name = 'Themes';

	$labels = array(
		  'name'					=> $plural_name,
		  'menu_name'				=> $plural_name,
		  'singular_name'			=> $singular_name,
		  'search_items'			=> 'Search ' . $plural_name,
		  'popular_items'			=> 'Popular ' . $plural_name,
		  'all_items'				=> 'All ' . $plural_name,
		  'parent_item'				=> 'Parent ' . $singular_name,
		  'parent_item_colon'		=> 'Parent ' . $singular_name . ':',
		  'edit_item'				=> 'Edit ' . $singular_name,
		  'view_item'				=> 'View ' . $singular_name,
		  'update_item'				=> 'Update ' . $singular_name,
		  'add_new_item'			=> 'Add New ' . $singular_name,
		  'new_item_name'			=> 'New ' . $singular_name . ' Name',
		  'separate_items_with_commas' => 'Separate ' . $plural_name . ' with commas',
		  'add_or_remove_items'		=> 'Add or remove ' . $plural_name,
		  'back_to_items'			=> '← Back to ' . $plural_name,
		  'items_list_navigation' 	=> $plural_name . ' list navigation',
		  'items_list'				=> $plural_name . ' list',

	  global $wp_taxonomies;
	  $wp_taxonomies['category']->labels = (object) array_merge( (array) $wp_taxonomies['category']->labels, $labels );
add_action( 'init', 'be_rename_category_theme' );
Bill Erickson

Bill Erickson is the co-founder and lead developer at CultivateWP, a WordPress agency focusing on high performance sites for web publishers.

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