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Overriding Options and Meta

One of my favorite “under-the-hood” features of WordPress and Genesis is the ability to override almost any kind of option/meta: site options, post meta, user meta, term meta….

Admin Pages with Genesis

One of the best new features of Genesis 1.8 (and there are many) is a tool for making admin pages. These are needed if you’re building a plugin or a…

Building a Genesis Child Theme

A question I hear all the time is “how do I build a child theme?” This is a tutorial that walks through my process, using an actual client site as an example.

Genesis Subpages as Secondary Menu

Replace the manually managed Secondary Menu with one that automatically lists the current section’s subpages.

Adding Theme Options in Genesis

I’ll walk you through creating your own theme options, accessible from the Genesis Theme Settings page.

My Genesis Starter Theme

I build custom Genesis child themes for most of my clients. Rather than starting from an existing StudioPress theme, I use my own starter theme: EA Genesis Child. What is…

Adding “Blog” to Genesis Breadcrumbs

Here’s how to modify the Genesis Breadcrumb to include a “Blog” link, changing Home > Category > Post Title to Home > Blog > Category > Post Title