Genesis Theme Framework

Genesis is a powerful tool for the rapid development of fast,
SEO friendly WordPress websites.

Genesis themes are free for WPEngine customers, or can be purchased from StudioPress.

My Genesis Starter Theme

I build custom Genesis child themes for most of my clients. Rather than starting from an existing StudioPress theme, I use my own starter theme: EA Genesis Child. What is…

Adding “Blog” to Genesis Breadcrumbs

Here’s how to modify the Genesis Breadcrumb to include a “Blog” link, changing Home > Category > Post Title to Home > Blog > Category > Post Title

Switch Genesis Sidebars

Here’s how you change which sidebar shows up in which sidebar area. This is useful when using different page layouts.

Genesis Quick Tips

There’s a lot of small code snippets I use often but don’t warrant their own post. This is where I’ll collect them.

Adding Content to Genesis Navigation

Want more control over what shows up before or after your navigation? This shows you how to extend Genesis’ Primary Navigation Extras using filters.