
Custom Avatars in WordPress

This tutorial extends WordPress’ get_avatar() function. It let’s users upload a custom avatar in case they don’t want to use a Gravatar.

Breadcrumbs for Taxonomy Pages

I’m working on a project right now that uses hierarchical taxonomies, and here’s the solution I used for taxonomy breadcrumbs.

Post Type Linking

This technique will let you link posts in one content type with another. For example, if you have an Events post type and a Musicians post type, you can link a musician with a certain event.

Thesis Quick Tips

There’s a lot of small code snippets I use often but don’t warrant their own post. This is where I’ll collect them.

Switch Genesis Sidebars

Here’s how you change which sidebar shows up in which sidebar area. This is useful when using different page layouts.

Shortcodes in Sidebar Widgets

Edit: As of WordPress 3.3, shortcodes now work in widgets (the first line of code has been added to WP core). But you’ll still need to create the other functions.…